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1.《会计最佳实务》,作者:Steven M. Bragg (2001年4月) 出版社:John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  Accounting Best Practices by Steven M.Bragg (April 2001)

2.《会计控制最佳实务》(威利最佳实务)作者:Steven M. Bragg (2006年7月) 出版社:John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Accounting Control Best Practices (Wiley Best Practices) by Steven M. Bragg (July 2006)

3.《决策与控制的会计》作者:Jerold Zimmerman (2002年7月)  出版社: McGraw – Hill, Inc.  Accounting for Decision Making and Control by Jerold Zimmerman (July 2002)

4.《内部控制的会计程序》作者:John McPeek, Bud Carlson,and James Skelton (2006年6月) 出版机构:Bizmanualz, Inc. Accounting Procedures for Internal Control by John McPeek, Bud Carlson, and James Skelton (June 2006)

5.《超越COSO:增强公司治理的内部控制》作者:Steven J. Root (2001年2月) 出版社: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Beyond COSO: Internal Control to Enhance Corporate Governance by Steven J. Root (February 2001)

6.《布林克现代内部审计学---- 第5版》 作者:Robert R. Moeller and Herbert N. Witt(1999年1月) 出版社:John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Brink’s Modern Internal Auditing, 5th Edition by Robert R. Moeller and Herbert N. Witt (January 1999)

7.《计算机审计、控制与安全》作者:Robert R. Moeller (1989年9月) 出版社:John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Computer Audit, Control, and Security (The Wiley/Institute of Internal Auditors professional book series) by Robert R. Moeller (September 1989)

8.《通过沟通控制:美国管理中的系统升级》作者:JoAnne Yates (1993年3月) 出版机构:The Johns Hopkins University Press. Control through Communication: The Rise of System in American Management (Studies in Industry and Society) by JoAnne Yates (March 1993)

9.《COSO企业风险管理——整合框架》 出版机构:Management Accounting Quarterly. Enterprise Risk Management Integrated Framework,COSO

10.《企业风险管理:管理者的征途》作者:K. H. Spencer Pickett (2006年6月)   出版社:John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Enterprise Risk Management: A Manager’s Journey by K. H. Spencer Pickett (July 2006)

11.《舞弊预防和内部控制的执行路线图:创建合规性文化》作者:Martin T. Biegelman and Joel T. Bartow (2006年1月) 出版社:John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Executive Roadmap to Fraud Prevention and Internal Controls: Creating a Culture of Compliance by Martin T. Biegelman and Joel T. Bartow (January,2006)

12.《信息及其相关技术的治理、控制和审计》(COBIT 报告)(1998年4月) 出版机构:IT Governance Institute. Governance, Control and Audit for Information and Related Technology issued in April 1998 (commonly referred to as the COBIT Report)

13.《控制方面的治理》(COCO),加拿大特许会计师协会(1995年11月) 出版机构: Canadian Institute of Chartered Accountants. Guidance on Control issued in November 1995 by the Canadian Institute of Chartered Accountants (commonly referred to as COCO)

14.《内部控制标准指南》(最高审计机关国际组织,INTOSAI)(1992年6月) 出版机构: International Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions. Guidelines for Internal Control Standards issued in June 1992 by the International Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions

15.《信息系统的完整性与内部控制》第六版,(国际信息处理联合会,IFIP)(2004年4月) 出版机构:International Federation for Information Processing. Integrity and Internal Control in Information Systems VI (IFIP International Federation for Information Processing) by Sushil Jajodia and Leon Strous  (April 2004)

16.《内部控制——整合框架》(COSO,1992年9月)资料来源:Library of Congress – USA. Internal Control - Integrated Framework issued in September 1992 by the Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission (commonly referred to as COSO)

17.《内部控制——管理者的征途》作者:K. H. Spencer Pickett (2001年4月) 出版社:John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Internal Control: A Manager’s Journey by K. H. Spencer Pickett (April 2001)

18.《内部控制指引》(第3版)作者:Wanda A. Wallace (2005年4月) 出版机构:Association of Government Accountants. Internal Controls Guide (Third Edition) by Wanda A. Wallace (September 2005)

19.《在证券交易法的定期报告中披露管理层对财务报告内部控制的报告和证明,最终规则》,美国证券交易委员会 (2003年8月) 资料来源:US Securities and Exchange Commission. Management’s Reports on Internal Control Over Financial Reporting and Certification of Disclosure in Exchange Act Periodic Reports, Final Rule, U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (August 2003)

20.《预防舞弊和贪污的政策与程序:指南、内部控制和调查》作者:Edward J. McMillan (2003年8月)  出版社:John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Policies and Procedures to Prevent Fraud and Embezzlement: Guidance, Internal Controls,and Investigation by Edward J. McMillan (April 2006)

21.《可靠的财务报告与内部控制:全球执行指南》作者:Dimitris N. Chorafas (2006年4月) 出版社:John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Reliable Financial Reporting and Internal Control: A Global Implementation Guide by Dimitris N. Chorafas (May 2000)

22.《公司治理财务领域委员会的报告》(the Cadbury Report)1993年12月 出版机构:Gee & Co., Ltd. Report by the Committee on Financial Aspects of Corporate Governance issued in December 1993 (commonly referred to as the Cadbury Report)

23.《风险与管理会计:企业范围的内部控制程序最佳实务指南》作者:Paul M Collier, Anthony J Berry, and Gary T Burke(2006年9月)  出版社:Elsevier Science & Technology Books. Risk and Management Accounting: Best practice guidelines for enterprise-wide internal control procedures by Paul M Collier, Anthony J Berry, and Gary T Burke  (September 2006)

24.《针对非营利组织的萨班斯·奥克斯利:建立竞争优势指南》,作者Peggy M. Jackson and Toni E. Fogarty (2005年4月) 出版社:John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Sarbanes-Oxley for Nonprofits: A Guide to Building Competitive Advantage by Peggy M. Jackson and Toni E. Fogarty (April 2005)




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